Registration for the 2024-2025 children's Religious Education Program begins this weekend after all the Masses. The first day of class is Saturday, September 14th.
Registration for Ignited Youth Ministry begins this weekend. The group will meet every Sunday from 3:00 to 4:00pm in the Youth Room of the Religious Education school building. Teens in grades 7th through 12th are invited to register after Mass or online.Alpha begins on Saturday, September 7th, from 12:00-2:00pm. Alpha is for anyone who has questions about life, meaning, purpose, or faith. All are welcome! Please pick up a flyer which can be found in the back of the church for more information.
OCIA - The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults - a process for those considering entering the Catholic Church or completing their sacraments of Confirmation and/or Holy Communion will begin on Sunday, September 8th. There are flyers in the back of church with more information.There will be a Lector training session on Saturday, September 21st from 2:00 to 3:00pm in the church. Current Lectors are strongly encouraged to attend to refresh their skills. If you've been thinking about becoming a Lector, this is a wonderful opportunity to learn more and see if this ministry is right for you.
Complete information about these announcements can be found in today's bulletin.
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