"Ministry of Care to the sick is a pastoral ministry of caring for those who are hospitalized, in nursing homes or confined to private homes . . . Ministers are trained and formed to conduct pastoral visits with time to listen and pray about the concerns of the sick or shut-in person and to share Eucharist with them.” – Parish Vitality and Mission, Archdiocese of Chicago. Holy Child Jesus Parish is pleased to announce that we have six new Ministers of Care who have completed their training to bring Communion to the sick and the homebound. To be honored at the 9:30 a.m. Mass on Sunday, January 29: James Duckhorn Karen Fellner To be honored at the 11:30 a.m. Mass on Sunday, January 29: Cindy Duong Trang-Dai Hoang Linda Le Lisa Hoa Vo Congratulations to all of you on your magnificent ministry to share Jesus! Please contact Art Blumberg, Director of Evangelization and Ministry if you or someone you know needs this care. Call (773) 764-0615, extension 140 or email art.blumberg@hcjp.org.