“Love does no evil to the neighbor; hence, love is the fulfillment of the law.” (Romans 13:10)
When love directs an individual’s moral decisions, his basic concerns such as family, sanctity of life, etc. is safeguarded. When one is at peace, one can plan for the future.
Please Remember Holy Child Jesus Parish in Your Will or Trust
When considering which charities to include in your will or trust, we hope you will remember Holy Child Jesus Parish. A bequest can be made to our parish using the following language:
“I give [insert specific dollar amount, or percentage of net or residuary] to The Catholic Bishop of Chicago, Tax ID #36-2170826, a corporation sole located in Chicago, Illinois, to be used for the benefit of Holy Child Jesus Parish located in Chicago, Illinois. However, if Holy Child Jesus Parish ceases to exist in its current form, then to the new parish or parishes erected in its stead.”
Please consult an attorney and financial advisor when drafting your will or trust. For more information, please visit giving.archchicago.org/bequest or contact our parish Rectory Office at (773) 764-0615. [or contact Marguerite Q. Zappa, Parish Support Manager, Archdiocese of Chicago at 312.848.3068 or mzappa@archchicago.org]